Saturday, August 23, 2008

Welcome to the P-Town Hellhole

This site is dedicated to documenting the gradual(and recently, rapid) decline of Phoenix, Arizona into urban blight. In other words, a hellhole.

First, a little about myself: I'm a 22 year old white male. I was born in West Phoenix and, with the exception of about 6 months last year, have lived in Phoenix my entire life. I'm a product of the Arizona Public School system, which is to say that every single thing I know, I learned outside of school. I have a unique viewpoint on Phoenix in that, unlike so many of its residents, I've been here a while and have seen the decline with my own eyes.

The reasons for the descent into the P-Town Hellhole are numerous, and I hope to cover all of them in future posts. I will also be out scouring the city with camera in hand to document the third-world state of many parts of this city, and also to document the massive amounts of corruption(if you said I hated Phoenix pigs, you'd only be half right. I also hate Scottsdale, Mesa, Tempe, and Avondale pigs, along with the police forces of a few other suburbs I've left out.)

So stay tuned as I outline just how shitty this city is. The brown hordes, the pathetic drug addicts, the bullshit cops, the barrios, the traffic, and the general malaise that hangs over the city like a fog will all be exposed. No one will be spared. Welcome to P-Town Hellhole.